Tuesday, May 22, 2012

His Daughter

Sometimes I forget You are His Daughter.
I look at Dreamy Brown liquid, so soulful, so bright
so mysterious, so kind
the eyes of promise, of future and flight.

Sometimes I forget You are His Daughter.
The Daughter of the One I gave my Heart to
the One I gave my solemn Vow to
The Daughter I nagged God for
And made Promises that I would Die for

Sometimes I truly forget You are His Daughter.
The One who broke my Heart and Soul
For Whose treachery I fought Padded walls
And Lived to see the Sun of Day
You Child, a third, the power
that Helped me get away.

Sometimes I forget You are His Daughter.
You are so unlike Him
You are so like Him
And so Stubborn like Me.
And it's so easy to Forget.
That you are a Soul all of your Own.
A Soul so Old and Wise.
A Soul so conning and elusive.

Sometimes I just forget.

For Neo.

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