My man dared me to write a blog on a subject that I happen to be pretty knowledgeable of, female sexuality.
Poor dear, can someone hand him a pamphlet on dealing with females? Rule number one, never dare a woman to do anything, especially a latin woman! No one stepping up? No such pamphlet exists? Oh well, I guess I'll have to write it myself!
Let's begin at the beginning. At the time of conception, we all start out as females. It is towards the latter part of gestation period; once the vital organs are formed, heart, brain, liver, kidneys, stomach, and all of our extremities; that the sex genes kick in to determine your gender. If you are lucky enough to have two X chromosomes, female; one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, male.
The reason I needed to start where I did is to let the men in our lives know that we have more common ground than what separates us. The fact that your sexual organ is in the exterior of your groin area and ours, by contrast, in the interior, is of very little consequence when it comes to pleasure. We both deal with the same feelings, insecurities and expectations.
Women's sexual organs have the primary function of procreation. We all know that. But of what use would they be without sexual desire? It is this desire which convinces us to let a male get close enough to impregnate us.
Our differences as human beings of the opposite sex, develops mostly from the environmental aspects of our childhood upbringing. Were your parents kind and respectful of each other in your presence? Did they teach you to respect the opposite sex? Or were the women, or for that matter the men, in your family subjugated to sexual innuendos and harassment?
Believe it or not, these aspects of childhood experiences, have a lot to do in how a person learns to perceive themselves, their bodies and the role that sexual pleasure plays once they become adults.
There have been studies that confirm that men are attracted by what is visually pleasant to them. Did we really need to spend all that money on such studies? Well, some guy thought so!!! On the other hand, women are attracted by more than just appearance. High on her list is the possibilities of what a good match can bring to the relationship. Healthy children, financial stability, physical security, compatibility, mutual respect, among other traits, she might feel, will assure a successful union.
Now that that is out of the way, let's get to the good part. The joys of orgasms.
Let's face it, orgasms are great, but there is more than meets the eye to a truly spectacular out of this world experience. Women need to feel loved and cherished as part of the equation. Sexual abuse, domestic violence, unreasonable expectations are common impediments to a woman's ability to enjoy intimacy. There is also the aspect of stimulation. Women require longer periods of stimulation to climax, than their male counterparts. Men are fully capable of screwing anything that happens to be in their paths, at any time. Ok, I'm being a little harsh, just kidding, sweetheart!
My suggestion to all couples, regardless of how new or established your relationship is, be mindful of your partners needs. Take the time to find out what those needs are and make it your business to be a willing participant. Sexual compatibility is of utmost importance in any healthy relationship. Don't assume that what attracted you to your partner in the early stages of your courtship, will guarantee instant compatibility in the bedroom. All hurdles can be overcome with love, patience and understanding. And last, but not least, for Pete's sake, learn to enjoy each other's company, in and out of the bedroom.
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