Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mind Over Pain


Ever wonder why it's so hard to get a man to see a doctor or keep a medical appointment?  I have always pondered this question and, of course, I have come to my own conclusions, which have mostly to do with the physical and mental differences between the sexes.

Women, although wrongly categorized as the weaker sex, are the ones which must go through the excruciatingly painful and emotionally wrecking experience of child labor.   I truly believe women are physically better equipped to deal with pain and to prove my point, show any man a syringe and watch him squirm.   Women's awesome capacity to deal with pain and adversity, is not limited just the act of giving birth but also, for the most part, to the physical job of rearing their offspring.  For let's face it, whether a man is in the picture or not, women are the ones in charge of the kids.

Women are also uncannily aware and actively seek unconventional remedies to effectively deal with pain, more so than men, perhaps because as females we are exposed to it on a regular basis, more accurately on a monthly basis.   It was this innately natural attraction to herbal medicine and the chore of midwifery which catapulted the jealous medical profession of the early 17th century, exclusively composed of men, to accuse women of witchcraft.   But that my dear readers is for another blog.

Which brings me to the title of this blog; Mind Over Pain.  It does take a certain mental fortitude to deal with pain on a constant basis and I for one, do not wish pain, no matter how slight, on anyone.  But if life has dealt you the blow of dealing with daily pain, my only wish for you is that you don't be a baby about it.  Deal with it head on and look for solutions to the problem.  Do not become a slave to your pain.  Do not make your friends or family hostage to it.

It is still possible to live a worthwhile life even if your shoulder, back, knee, neck, abdomen or any other extremity is in pain. Staying in bed and dwelling on the pain will not make it go away.   Take something for the pain, get out of bed, get some exercise, listen to your favorite music; get your mind away from the pain.  In time you will see that the pain is not all consuming.  The human body is a wonderful healing machine, regardless of your gender, it's in how you deal with the pain that makes all the difference.  Mind over pain; the mind wins out every single time.

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